The radio commercial for a homeopathic remedy, touted as "a scientific breakthrough', instructs to “rub it on your forehead”. This mantra is repeated enough to make you question your ability to comprehend what this commercial is about. Thirty seconds later the commercial closes with “HeadOn …rub it on your forehead”. There is no mention whatsoever of the product’s redeeming value.
What the heck does the product do!
Frustrated, I searched the web to discover it is a headache remedy. Digging a bit deeper, we find that there is no medicinal value in the product’s active ingredient, White Bryony, an herb diluted to one part in 1,000,000,000,000.
You can’t overdose on the product. In fact, you can rub it all over your body with no results … when you apply nothing, nothing happens.
The effect of HeadOn commercials will actually give you a headache!
I would like to know who produced and placed this radio ad (and its sister 10 second TV spot shown here). More importantly, why the FCC allows this misleading dribble to air and why major drug chains stock it.
Drug stores stock it because it sells. A better question is why do people buy it even after learning jsut what homeopathic remedies consist of which is as you pointed out: nothing. I actually know why but it doesn't make it any easier to understand how people can be so credulous and quick to throw away their hard earned money. I couldn't find the Backon product. Maybe you were kidding but it wouldn't suprise me.
The question is one of network clearence, not the FCC. This thing airs on NBC affliates. Potentially through a spot cable buy. NBC, CBS, and ABC have policies where every ad trafficked must be reviewed and approved by the clearence department. This policy usually helps prevent the phony "Carleton Sheets" type of misleading advertisments...in addition to any material which may be seen as troubling to viewers.
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