A range of topics from cooking (you can print chocolate), medicine (printing organs for clinical trials), manufacturing (GE is using the process for jet engine parts) and building construction (architectural design) and fashion (print a dress) were covered.
And now Wall Street is taking note as we noticed participation by Lux Capital, Goldman Sachs, RRE Ventures, T. Rowe Price, Trent Capital and Piper Jaffray among others.
Deployment of the technology is now creeping towards consumer use, fueled by a consumer-facing company, ShapeWays, where you can make, buy and sell products (thousands of them). The company's ecosystem moves from designer to distributor (ShapeWays), to the consumer and back to the designer.
ATTENTION ad agencies and marketers: Don't miss the boat on this exploding, disruptive technology. Your absence at the event was obvious. Get ahead of the curve and a step ahead of your competition. NOW.
You can review current, updated news on the world of 3D Printing at www.3DPrintingBureau.org