Think you're safe? Think again.

APTs refer to a group of well-funded, highly capable hackers pursing a specific agenda. It can be to bring down a site, hack government intelligence, steal personal banking information or disable infrastructures of whole countries.

The threats are real. Secure your information.

The most significant hacks in the first few months of 2011 affected millions of individuals resulting in millions of dollars in losses. They include . . . .

Epsilon (the largest breach of personal e-mail data), RSA (hacked security keys to highly sensitive governemt intelligence), SONY (70 million playstation account compromised), Google (government e-mail accounts hacked), Michaels ( PIN pads hacked and credit cards compromised), CITI (200,000 accounts stolen, credit cards reissued), IMF (sophisticated attack over several months to gain access to government information as "political dynamite).

And in 2010 "Payback Attacks" alone numbered 33 . . . .
  1. ACS:Law acs-law.org.uk 10/03/2010
  2. RIAA riaa.org 10/29/2010
  3. Motion Picture Association of America mpaa.org
  4. Aiplex Software aiplex.com
  5. Davenport Lyons davenportlyons.com
  6. TMG Image Over Networks tmg.eu
  7. Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft (AFACT) afact.org.au
  8. DG Legal dglegal.com
  9. Gallant Macmillan gmlegal.co.uk 10/12/2010
  10. Ministry of Sound ministryofsound.com 10/03/2010
  11. Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) sgae.es 10/06/2010
  12. Ministerio de Cultura mcu.es 10/06/2010
  13. promusicae promusicae.es 10/06/2010
  14. Federation of the Italian Music Industry (FIMI) fimi.it 10/09/2010
  15. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) ifpi.it 10/09/2010
  16. pro-music.it 10/09/2010
  17. United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office ipo.gov.uk 10/16/2010
  18. Associação do Comércio Audiovisual de Portugal acapor.pt 10/18/2010
  19. Gene Simmons genesimmons.com 10/19/2010
  20. Satel Film satelfilm.at 10/22/2010
  21. Hustler hustler.com 10/22/2010
  22. FACT fact-uk.org.uk 10/24/2010 10:00 PM GMT
  23. antipiracy.fi antipiracy.fi 10/26/2010
  24. United States Copyright Office copyright.gov 11/03/2010 15:00 GMT
  25. Irish National Federation Against Copyright Theft infact.ie 11/06/2010
  26. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry ifpi.org 11/26/10
  27. Warner Bros. warnerbros.com 12/1/10 6:00 PM GMT
  28. PostFinance postfinance.ch 12/6/10
  29. Aklagarmyndigheten Aklagare.se 12/7/10
  30. EveryDNS everydns.com 12/7/10
  31. Joseph Lieberman lieberman.senate.gov 12/8/10
  32. MasterCard mastercard.com 12/8/10 10:30 AM GMT
  33. Borgstrom and Bostrom advbyra.se 12/8/10

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