Some would think the current buzz around 3D and its promise to revolutionize both theater and home screen viewing is worth rushing to the nearest Best Buy to place an order for the newest 3D TV.
Like so many lemmings.
Contrary to industry statistics on the popularity of 3D, it is far from a technology that can support a viable business model. It is expected that, by the end of this year, just under one percent of households will have a 3D TV.
Let me repeat that ....just under one percent will have a 3D TV.
Do the math. The massive investment to produce, refit theaters and manufacture TVs and computers that will work in 3D (assuming standards are established) for a viewing experience that is, even in its early stages, coming under scrutiny as "potentially unsafe" defies logic.
History repeats itself and if the 1950's has a lesson we should learn from it is that 3D, purely and simply, is a novelty.
Reports of headaches, uncomfortable viewing experiences and, in the case of the recent release of Alice In Wonderland, critics prefer the 2D experience. 3D is a diversion and the only growth segment for the technology lies with gaming.
For those individuals that are nearsighted, wearing glasses over glasses adds another layer of discomfort. It is estimated that at least thirty percent of the population requires corrective vision for nearsightedness.
Still not convinced? If you're part of the one percent that will bite this year, get ready to shell out $3900 for a Sony 3D TV and about $135 for each set of glasses. And remember to have a few spares around for guests when they come over to watch the Superbowl.
Click here for a comprehensive 3D movie list.
Like so many lemmings.
Contrary to industry statistics on the popularity of 3D, it is far from a technology that can support a viable business model. It is expected that, by the end of this year, just under one percent of households will have a 3D TV.
Let me repeat that ....just under one percent will have a 3D TV.
Do the math. The massive investment to produce, refit theaters and manufacture TVs and computers that will work in 3D (assuming standards are established) for a viewing experience that is, even in its early stages, coming under scrutiny as "potentially unsafe" defies logic.
History repeats itself and if the 1950's has a lesson we should learn from it is that 3D, purely and simply, is a novelty.
Reports of headaches, uncomfortable viewing experiences and, in the case of the recent release of Alice In Wonderland, critics prefer the 2D experience. 3D is a diversion and the only growth segment for the technology lies with gaming.
Dr Michael Rosenberg, an ophthalmology professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago said ...."in a 3D movie, people are confronted with an entirely new sensory experience. That translates into greater mental effort, making it easier to get a headache. I think it will be a gimmick. I suspect there will be a lot of people who say it's sort of neat, but it's not really comfortable," he said.
For those individuals that are nearsighted, wearing glasses over glasses adds another layer of discomfort. It is estimated that at least thirty percent of the population requires corrective vision for nearsightedness.
Still not convinced? If you're part of the one percent that will bite this year, get ready to shell out $3900 for a Sony 3D TV and about $135 for each set of glasses. And remember to have a few spares around for guests when they come over to watch the Superbowl.
Click here for a comprehensive 3D movie list.
Yes - and the Ipad will never be accepted.
The time for 3D has arrived - the Fuji W1 3D camera brings 3D photography to the masses. We see in 3D - so why should we be limited to 2D photography and movies.
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