The post that follows is clipped from my favorite wordsmith and blogger, Bob Hoffman at Hoffman Lewis. Great work Bob!
Anyone In Advertising Still Interested In Facts?
Anyone In Advertising Still Interested In Facts?
Here at The Ad Contrarian World Headquarters, our commitment to our readers is so
intense that we actually pore through media research studies to provide you with the most up-to-date, relevant, information available.
Sometimes we even do it with our clothes on (I don't know what that means, but it seemed funny.)
I have just finished reading Nielsen's "Cross-Platform Report" for the 1st quarter of 2011 and, let me tell you, it was no Great Gatsby.
Besides suffering from Melted Brain Syndrome, I am sitting here in shock and awe. I am amazed at two things.
First, I am amazed at the resilience of television.
Second, I'm amazed at how the media world continues to ignore this story.
Over the past decade, if there is one story that is absolutely astounding, unexpected, and in complete disjunction with the opinion of experts, it is the incredible resilience of television.
Yes, web usage has grown. Yes, social media is an interesting and important social phenomenon. Yes, DVR's have become commonplace. But with all the new media and all the new technology no one expected TV viewership to behave as it has.
And yet, the trade media and media research companies continue to ignore this story, and instead report on the sexier, trendier new media stories.
As I have commented before, traditional TV viewing is at its highest point ever in history. People are watching, on average, over 35 1/2 hours a week. How much more stupid TV can these nitwits watch? Five hours a day isn't enough?
And it's continuing to grow! Over the last year, TV viewership grew another 22 minutes a month, on average.
Meanwhile, with all the hysteria about TiVo, and YouTube, and mobile, no other video medium even comes close to live TV. Here are the numbers:
The average person in America watches 38.7 total hours of video a week
•92% of that is real-time television
•6% is time-shifted television (TiVo, etc)
•1.5% is online video
•Less that 1/2 of 1% is mobile video
(And, by the way, the average person spends 6 times as much time on television as he does on line.)
As a service to all of you who are under the thumb of web maniacs, here is a simple chart I've created that you can click on and print out and stick up their...well, on their desks, anyway.
intense that we actually pore through media research studies to provide you with the most up-to-date, relevant, information available.
Sometimes we even do it with our clothes on (I don't know what that means, but it seemed funny.)
I have just finished reading Nielsen's "Cross-Platform Report" for the 1st quarter of 2011 and, let me tell you, it was no Great Gatsby.
Besides suffering from Melted Brain Syndrome, I am sitting here in shock and awe. I am amazed at two things.
First, I am amazed at the resilience of television.
Second, I'm amazed at how the media world continues to ignore this story.
Over the past decade, if there is one story that is absolutely astounding, unexpected, and in complete disjunction with the opinion of experts, it is the incredible resilience of television.
Yes, web usage has grown. Yes, social media is an interesting and important social phenomenon. Yes, DVR's have become commonplace. But with all the new media and all the new technology no one expected TV viewership to behave as it has.
And yet, the trade media and media research companies continue to ignore this story, and instead report on the sexier, trendier new media stories.
As I have commented before, traditional TV viewing is at its highest point ever in history. People are watching, on average, over 35 1/2 hours a week. How much more stupid TV can these nitwits watch? Five hours a day isn't enough?
And it's continuing to grow! Over the last year, TV viewership grew another 22 minutes a month, on average.
Meanwhile, with all the hysteria about TiVo, and YouTube, and mobile, no other video medium even comes close to live TV. Here are the numbers:
The average person in America watches 38.7 total hours of video a week
•92% of that is real-time television
•6% is time-shifted television (TiVo, etc)
•1.5% is online video
•Less that 1/2 of 1% is mobile video
(And, by the way, the average person spends 6 times as much time on television as he does on line.)
As a service to all of you who are under the thumb of web maniacs, here is a simple chart I've created that you can click on and print out and stick up their...well, on their desks, anyway.