An article in this Sunday's NY Times focused attention on Disney's secretive research facility in Austin. The research is tracking eye movements as ads of varying size are positioned on mock sites.
Purpose of the studies, whose findings are to be released in a report, promise advertisers a better return on ad investments by setting new rule standards for creative ad units.
The new wizardry combines eye contact with heart rate monitors, temperature reading and facial expressions.
As this facility and others across the country spend millions attempting to decipher a code on cognitive resonance (as intellectual activity intensified by the act of research itself), it is highly likely that findings will be less than optimal.
If successful, the results will be creative automation. Google, looking to automate the entire advertising process has yet to achieve that lofty and mind-deadening goal.... turning advertising away from the creative process, pushing it to a science, driven by algorithms.
An interesting exercise? Yes. A replacement for the creative mind? No
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